Immortalize Me
Space Crystal Program
Imagine being immortal. The ancient Egyptians believed preserving parts of oneself was a way to achieve immortality. The Egyptians had the right idea and today, with modern technology and the new frontier of space, it is now a reality. Space Crystals, LLC is offering a once in a lifetime opportunity to save your essence for all eternity and instead of being buried in a tomb in the desert your crystal travels amongst the stars.

First, we take your DNA and infuse it into duplicate crystalline matrices solutions. The solutions are then loaded onto the SpaceX Dragon space capsule and launched to the International Space Station (ISS). While orbiting the Earth at 17,500 miles per hour your DNA mixture will begin to grow two space crystals. Crystals grown in space are totally unique and one of a kind because they are not hindered by gravity and can grow in all directions and form one-of-a-kind creations and with your DNA infused into the matrix your essence will be preserved for all eternity.
Once the growth is complete, we return the crystals to earth and one crystal is returned to you for you to mount into a pendant, necklace, bracelet or ring for you to wear for all to see. In addition, documents certifying the flight in space including the launch and return dates, the ISS mission number, the time spent in orbit and the number of miles flown during that flight will be included.
The next step is we take your sister crystal and professionally mount it into a specially designed “Forever time capsule” and attach it to the NASA CLPS Lunar lander. The CLPS Lunar Lander was chosen by NASA’s Commercial Payload Lunar Services (CLPS) program to fly to and land on the moon in 2024. The sister crystal that you have here on earth will be forever persevered on the moon for all eternity. As an added bonus, each participant can upload up to 1GB of data (pictures, videos, music, etc.) to showcase the individual and let future humans know what made you so unique. The ancient Egyptians had their essence stuck in a tomb buried under a massive pyramid but you will have your own personal seat on the celestial body we call the moon to forever travel through the universe.

This is an incredibly unique and time critical offer because the flight to the ISS is happening mid 2024 and the flight to the moon will be late 2024. In addition, there will only be 260 (Max of 522) of these sold for this initial offering! Out of the billions of people on the planet only a select group of people will have their chance to be immortal. The Space Crystal package (single DNA sample) sells for $150K.